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Trying Something with て見る

て見る is used following verbs to say that you tried or are trying to do something.

Using て見る

To use て見る, you must conjugate the verb into its te-form and then add 見る.

Dictionary Form+て見る

て見る is itself a ru-verb and follows ru-verb rules of conjugation. So, if you want to say you won't try something, or you didn't try something, you can conjugate て見る as follows:

||Affirmative|Negative| |:--|:--| |Non-past|て見る|て見ない| |Past|て見た|て見なかった|

Example Sentences

  • 日本語を勉強してみます。
    I will try to study Japanese.

  • 彼女をデートに誘ってみた。
    I tried to ask her out on a date.

  • あのお寿司屋さんで一度食べてみたいと思っていたんだ。
    I've always to try eating at that sushi restaurant.

  • ラーメンを食べてみたいですか。
    Do you want to try eating ramen?

  • やってみろ
    Try it/Do it yourself.

  • コンピューターを一度再起動してみて下さい。
    Please try restarting the computer.