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The Particle と

The particle has several uses in Japanese, from acting as a conjunction to allowing comparisons and contrasts to be made. This article introduces some of the uses of this crucial particle.

Connecting nouns with と

When connecting two nouns in a sentence, most commonly translates to 'and'.

However, in this context cannot be used as widely as the English 'and': it cannot be used to connect phrases or clauses within a sentence.

But, if you want to say something like 'I like Japanese food and Italian food', you'd be correct to use

  • 日本の料理とイタリアの料理が好きです。
    I like Japanese food and Italian food.

Using と to mean with

If you went somewhere, or are doing something with another person, you can express this by using the particle . For example:

  • 友達と買い物に行く。
    I will go shopping with my friend.

In this context always follows the noun you're doing something with; the syntax is opposite to the English.

Using と to compare and contrast

When comparing and contrasting, you use the particle after each of things you are comparing, for example:

  • ピアノとギターと、どちらの方が好きですか。
    Which do you prefer: piano or guitar?

Using と to mark quotation

is used to mark a quotation or thought, for example:

  • 彼は「愛してる?」と言いました。
    He asked, "Do you love me?"

To read more on quoting people, or expressing thoughts, study this article.