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The Particle に

is one of the most commonly used particles in Japanese and has a wide range of uses including denoting time, location, destination and changes of state. Here we introduce some of the most common uses of the particle .

Location: に vs で

Both and can be used to talk about location, however, they are used in different contexts. is used when talking about 'the location of being' of something e.g.

  • 福岡に住んでいます
    I live in Fukuoka.

で meanwhile is used to talk about the location of doing, combined with action verbs e.g.

  • 福岡で働いています
    I work in Fukuoka.

Change of State

is used in conjunction with the verb なる to indicate a change of state in something, e.g. 医者になります。 (I will become a doctor.)

Indirect Objects

usually follows indirect objects, for example:

  • 友達に手紙を書きます。
    I write letters to my friends.

  • 彼女は僕にお箸をくれました。
    She gave me a pair of chopsticks.

Direction and Destination: に and へ

When talking about direction and destination, and are fairly interchangeable.

For example, both 福岡に行きます and 福岡へいきます translate to 'I will go to Fukuoka'.

Exceptions to this rule include お風呂に入る (to get in a bath) and 電車に乗る (to board a bus).

In speech gives greater room for generalisations about direction or destination, while tends to be used more specifically.


に is used to denote a specific time:

For example:

  • 6時半に起きました。
    I got up at 6.30.

  • 2月に福岡へ行きます。
    I will go to Fukuoka in February.

  • 2017年に日本語を勉強しました。
    In 2017, I studied Japanese.

is not used with the following words: 今日, , , , いつ, ,

Times Per

is also used when donating how many times something is done in a given time, translating to 'per'. For example:

  • 一週間に3回テニスをする。
    I play tennis three times a/per week.

Example Sentences

  • 友達に手紙を書きます。
    I write letters to my friends.

  • 6時半に起きました。
    I got up at 6.30.

  • 2月に福岡へ行きます。
    I will go to Fukuoka in February)

  • 今週末までには届くはずです。
    You should receive them by the end of the week.)

  • 私達はそこに同時に着いた。
    We got there at the same time.

  • 彼は4時に行くと私に約束した。
    He promised me that he would come at four.)

  • ベッドの下に猫がいる。
    There is a cat under the bed.

  • 彼らは一週間後にその仕事を終えた。
    They finished the work after a week.