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Verbs + てあげる, てくれる & てもらう

くれる, あげる and もらう are all verbs to do with giving and receiving of things. These verbs can also be combined with other verbs in the te-form to add nuance to the expression of an action.


あげる follows a verb in its te-form when the speaker is performing an action on behalf of others. By creating the てあげる construct, the inherent meaning of a sentence is not changed, rather it becomes more nuanced: it implies that an action is performed as a favour or on the request of someone else. For example:

  • このペンが欲しいのなら、貸してあげるよ。
    If you want this pen, I will lend it to you.


The te-form of a verb + くれる, by contrast, is used when another person does something on behalf of the speaker. For example:

  • 彼は私たちに英語を教えてくれる。
    He teaches us English.


The te-form of a verb + もらう is used when the speaker persuades, gets, or demands that another person do something for them. In te-form + もらう sentences, the person who is carrying out the action is marked by the particle . For example:

  • 自分の文を友だちに訳してもらうのが好きだ。
    I like it when I get my friends to translate my sentences.

友達 here is the person carrying out the action, and is marked with the particle .

Example Sentences

  • 今回だけは許してあげる。
    I'll forgive you just this once.

  • 道案内してあげるよ。
    I'll show you the way.

  • 私なら仕事を手伝ってあげることができたのに。
    I could have helped you with your work.

  • 「コーヒーを持ってきてあげるよ。」「どうもありがとう。」
    "Let me get you a cup of coffee." "I'd appreciate that."

  • それ取ってくれる?
    Can you give me that?

  • 一月以内に返してくれるというのなら、金、貸してもかまわないよ。
    I don't mind lending you the money provided you pay it back within a month.

  • 私は彼が助けてくれるものと思う。
    I expect him to help me.

  • 私は時計をジョンになおしてもらうつもりだ。
    I am going to have my watch repaired by John.

  • あさって彼にここへ来てもらう
    I will have him come the day after tomorrow.