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Saying Something is Easy or Hard to Do

This lesson will teach you how to say whether an action is easy or hard to do, using two of our favourite adjectives やすい and にくい.

Describing things as Easy To Do

Change the verb you want to use into its stem form. Once you have the stem of the verb simply add やすい to the end.

Dictionary FormStemEasy-To Form

Describing things as Difficult To Do

Change the verb you want to use into its stem form. Once you have the stem of the verb simply add にくい to the end.

Dictionary FormStemDifficult-To Form

Example Sentences

  • 私は飽きやすい。
    I get bored easily.

  • 紙は燃えやすい。
    Paper catches fire easily.

  • 漢字は覚えにくい。
    Chinese characters are hard to learn.

  • 私は耳が聞こえにくい。
    I can't hear well.