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Saying 'I Want' with ほしい

欲しい is an i-adjective that means to want (an object). The basic sentence construction using 欲しい is:


In positive sentences, the particle following 'X' is usually が, though in negative sentences (欲しくない) the particle is also used.

It's Personal

In the same way that the tai-form is usually used only to talk about one's own desires or wants, 欲しい is generally reserved for personal use.

If you want to talk about someone else's desires, you must either quote them or, as with the tai-form, use the special construct たがっています.

Conjugating 欲しい

欲しい is an i-adjective, and conjugates as such.


Example Sentences

  • 自分たちの持ち家が欲しい。
    I want my own home.

  • 水が欲しい。
    I want water.

  • 本当に何にも欲しくないの?
    Are you sure you don't want anything?

  • 私は何も欲しくない。
    I don't want anything.

  • これが欲しかったんでしょ?
    You wanted this, didn't you?

  • トムは手ごろな車が欲しかった。
    Tom wanted a moderately priced car.