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Saying You Like an Activity with のが好きです

If you want to say that you like doing a certain activity in Japanese, you can use the construct: Verb + のが好きです.

Liking: のが好きです

のが好きです is used in combination with verbs in their dictionary form, creating a simple yet powerful phrase.

  • 映画を見るのが好きです。
    I like watching films.

Disliking: のがきらいです

Verbs can also be combined with のがきらいです to say that you dislike doing something.

  • 寿司を食べるのがきらいです。
    I don't like eating sushi.

Example Sentences

  • 彼は走るのが好きだ。
    He likes to run.

  • 列車に乗るのが好きだ。
    I like to ride on trains.

  • 私も踊るのが好きです。
    I like dancing, too.

  • 彼女は走るのが嫌いだ。
    She dislikes running.

  • 生きてるのが嫌になってきた。
    I have become disgusted with life.