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whose: question word

With a noun or alone

The question word whose can be used with a noun as a determiner, like my, your, etc.

  • Whose car is that outside?
  • Whose garden do you think looks the nicest?

Whose can also be used alone, like mine, yours, etc.

  • Whose is that car outside?
  • Whose is this?’ ‘Mine.’


Prepositions can normally come either before whose (more formal) or at the end of the clause (less formal). (see here) for details.

  • For whose benefit were all these changes made?
  • Whose side are you on?

In short questions with no verb, prepositions can only come before whose.

  • ‘I’m going to buy a car.’ ‘With whose money?’ (not Whose money with?)

For the relative pronoun whose, (see here).