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who ever, what ever, etc

These expressions show surprise or difficulty in understanding something.

  • Who ever is that strange girl with George?
  • What ever are you doing?
  • How ever did you manage to start the car? I couldn’t.
  • When ever will I have time to do some shopping?
  • Why ever did I marry you?

The expressions can also be written as single words: whoever, whatever, etc. Note that whose and which are not used with ever in this way.

In an informal style, on earth, the hell (AmE also in hell) or the fuck (taboo, (see here) can be used instead of ever.

In an informal style, on earth or the hell (AmE also in hell) can be used instead of ever.

  • Who on earth is that strange girl?
  • Why the hell did I marry you?
  • What the fuck is she talking about?

For the conjunctions whoever, whatever, etc, (see here).