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(the) same

the same (as)

We normally use the before same.

  • Give me the same again, please. (not Give me same again, please.)

In a comparison, we use the same (…) as.

  • You’ve got the same idea as me. (not … my same idea.)
  • Her hair’s the same colour as her mother’s. (not … the same colour like …)

Note the expression the very same (= exactly the same).

  • Our birthdays are on the very same day.

Other structures

Before a clause, the same … that or the same … who can be used.

  • That’s the same man that/who asked me for money yesterday.

As is also possible before a clause, especially with a noun that is the object of the following verb.

  • He’s wearing the same shirt that/as he had on yesterday.

As/who/that can be left out when they refer to the object of the following verb.

  • He’s wearing the same shirt he had on yesterday.

Note also the expression do the same.

  • Why do you always try to do the same as your brother?
  • Joe and Kate went on a camping trip, and we’re going to do the same.