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nought, zero, nil, etc

The figure 0 is usually called nought or zero in British English and zero in American English. When we say numbers one figure at a time, 0 is often called oh (like the letter O).

  • My account number is four one three oh six. or … four one three zero six.

In measurements of temperature, 0 is called zero in both British and American English. Zero is followed by a plural noun.

  • Zero degrees Celsius is thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit.

Zero scores in team games are called nil (American zero or nothing). In tennis and similar games, the word love is used (originally from French l’oeuf, meaning ‘the egg’ – the figure 0 is egg-shaped).

  • And the score at half-time is: Scotland three, England nil.
  • Forty-love; Andrews to serve.