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go/come for a …

We can use the structure go/come for a … in some fixed expressions referring to actions, mostly leisure activities. Using this structure makes the action sound casual and probably rather short. (Compare go …ing, (see here).) Common examples:

  • go/come for a walk, a run, a swim, a ride, a drive, a drink, a meal
  • go for a bath, a shower, a pee/piss (taboo, (see here)
  • We need some fresh air. Let’s go for a walk.
  • Would you like to come for a drink this evening?
  • I’m going for a shower. Can you answer my phone if it rings?

This structure is only used with certain action-nouns – we would probably not say, for example, Come for a climb with us or I’m going for a read.


For other structures in which nouns are used to refer to actions, (see here).