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below, under, underneath and beneath

‘lower than’: below or under

The prepositions below and under can both mean ‘lower than’.

  • Look in the cupboard below/under the sink.

Not directly under: below

We prefer below when one thing is not directly under another.

  • The climbers stopped 300m below the top of the mountain.
  • A moment later the sun had disappeared below the horizon.

Covered: under

We prefer under when something is covered or hidden by what is over it, and when things are touching.

  • I think the cat’s under the bed.
  • What are you wearing under your sweater?
  • The whole village is under water. (not … below water.)

Measurements: below

Below is used in measurements of temperature and height, and in other cases where we think of a vertical scale.

  • The temperature is three degrees below zero.
  • Parts of Holland are below sea level.
  • The plane came down below the clouds.
  • She’s well below average in intelligence.

‘less than’: under

We usually use under, not below, to mean ‘less/fewer than’ or ‘younger than’.

  • There were under twenty people at the lecture.
  • You can’t see this film if you’re under 18.


Underneath is sometimes used as a preposition instead of under, but only for physical position. Compare:

  • There’s a mouse under(neath) the piano.
  • He’s still under 18. (not … underneath 18.)


Beneath is used mostly in a rather literary style.

  • The ship sank slowly beneath the waves.

It is common before abstract nouns in some fixed expressions.

  • He acts as if I was beneath his notice. (= not worth considering)
  • Her behaviour is beneath contempt. (= really disgraceful)


Below can be used as an adverb.

  • We looked over the cliff at the waves crashing on the rocks below.

Under can be used as an adverb particle (see here) with some verbs.

  • A lot of businesses are going under because of the economic crisis.

In other cases we prefer underneath for adverbial use.

  • I can’t take my sweater off – I haven’t got anything on underneath. (not … anything on under.)

In a book or a paper, see below means ‘look at something written later in the text’.


The difference between above and over is similar to the difference between below and under. (see here) for details.