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(be) used to


If a person is used to something, it is familiar; he or she has experienced it so much that it is no longer strange or new.

  • I’ve lived in Central London for six years now, so I’m used to the noise.
  • At the beginning I couldn’t understand Londoners because I wasn’t used to the accent.


Be used to can be followed by -ing forms, but not infinitives (see here).

  • I’m used to driving in London now, but it was hard at the beginning. (not I’m used to drive in London …)
  • It was a long time before she was used to working with old people.

Used is an adjective in this structure, and can be modified by quite or very.

  • I’m quite used to her little ways.

get used to …ing, etc

Get, become and sometimes grow (see here) can also be used before used to (…ing).

  • You’ll soon get used to living in the country.
  • Little by little, he became used to his new family.
  • It took them a long time to grow used to getting up in the night.


Note that used is pronounced /juːst/ in this structure.


For used to + infinitive (e.g. I used to smoke), (see here).