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at, on and in: place


At is used to talk about position at a point.

  • It’s very hot at the centre of the earth.
  • Turn right at the next corner.

Sometimes we use at with a larger place, if we just think of this as a point: a stage on a journey or a meeting place, for example. Compare:

  • The plane stops for an hour at/in Frankfurt. (a point on a journey)
    She lives in Frankfurt. (somebody’s home) (not She lives at Frankfurt.)
  • Let’s meet at the club. (a meeting point)
    It was warm and comfortable in the club. (a place to spend time)

We very often use at before the name of a building, when we are thinking not of the building itself but of the activity that happens there.

  • I first heard her sing at the Usher Hall in Edinburgh.
  • Eat at the Steak House – best food in town.
  • Sorry I didn’t phone last night – I was at the theatre.

At is particularly common with proper names used for buildings or organisations. Compare:

  • I first met your father at/in Harrods.
    I first met your father in a shop.
  • She works at Legal and General Insurance.
    She works in a big insurance company.

At is used to say where people study.

  • He’s at the London School of Economics.

We use at with the name of a city to talk about the city’s university. Compare:

  • He’s a student at Oxford.
  • He lives in Cambridge.

At is also used before the names of group activities.

  • at a party
  • at a lecture
  • at a meeting
  • at the match
  • at a concert


On is used to talk about position on a line (for example a road or a river).

  • His house is on the way from Aberdeen to Dundee.
  • Stratford is on the river Avon.

But in is used for the position of things which form part of the line.

  • There’s a misprint in line 6 on page 22.
  • Who’s the good-looking boy in the sixth row?

On is used for position on a surface.

  • Hurry up – supper’s on the table!
  • That picture would look better on the other wall.
  • There’s a big spider on the ceiling.

On can mean ‘attached to’.

  • Why do you wear that ring on your first finger?
  • There aren’t many apples on the tree this year.

On is also used for position by a lake or sea.

  • Bowness is on Lake Windermere.
  • Southend-on-Sea


In is used for position inside large areas, and in three-dimensional space (when something is surrounded on all sides).

  • I don’t think he’s in his office.
  • She grew up in Swaziland.
  • Let’s go for a walk in the woods.
  • I last saw her in Times Square.
  • He lived in the desert for three years.

Public transport

We use on (and off) to talk about travel using public transport (buses, trains, planes and boats), as well as (motor)cycles and horses.

  • There’s no room on the bus; let’s get off again.
  • He’s arriving on the 3.15 train. (not … in/with the 3.15 train.)
  • We’re travelling on flight 604.
  • It took five days to cross the Atlantic on the Queen Elizabeth.
  • I’ll go down to the shop on my bike.

But we use in and out (of) to talk about cars and small private planes and boats.

  • She came in a taxi.
  • He fell into the river when he was getting out of his canoe.


We generally use at (not to) after arrive; in is used before very large places.

  • He arrives at the airport at 15.30. (not He arrives to the airport …)
  • What time do we arrive in New York?


We generally use at to talk about addresses.

  • Are you still at the same address?
  • She lives at 73 Albert Street.

We use in (AmE on) if we just give the name of the street.

  • She lives in Albert Street.

We use on for the number of the floor.

  • She lives in a room on the third floor.

At can be used with a possessive (especially in British English) to mean ‘at somebody’s house or shop’.

  • ‘Where’s Megan?’ ‘She’s at Naomi’s.’
  • I used to get my bread at a small baker’s in the next street.

Special expressions

Note these expressions:

  • in/at church
  • in a picture
  • in a tent
  • at home/work
  • in the sky
  • in a hat
  • in/at school/college
  • in the rain
  • The map is on page 32. (BUT I stopped reading at page 32.)
  • in bed / (the) hospital / prison
  • on a farm
  • working on the railway

Note that at is usually pronounced /ət/, not /æt/ (see here).

For the difference between at/in and to, (see here).

For smile at, shoot at, etc, (see here).