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Linking verb: ‘seem’

Appear can be a linking verb (see here), used to say how things look or seem. It is used in similar ways to seem (see here) for details), but is less frequent, especially in an informal style.

With this meaning, appear is followed by adjectives, not adverbs. We can use appear or appear to be.

  • He appears (to be) very angry today. (not He appears very angrily today.)

Before nouns we generally use appear to be.

  • It appears to be some kind of bomb.
  • The boys on the bus appeared to be students.

Structures with preparatory there (see here) or it (see here) are possible.

  • There appears to be a problem with the oil pressure.
  • It appears that we may be mistaken.

appear and seem: differences

Seem can be used to talk both about objective facts and about subjective impressions and feelings (see here) for examples). Appear is mostly used to talk about objective facts. Compare:

  • The baby seems/appears (to be) hungry.
  • She doesn’t want to go on studying. It seems a pity. (not It appears a pity.)

Seem is often used with like. This is not normal with appear.

  • It seemed like a good idea. (More natural than It appeared like a good idea.)

Seem can be used in a special structure with can’t (see here). This is not possible with appear.

  • I can’t seem to make him understand. (but not I can’t appear to make him understand.)

‘come into sight’

Appear can also mean ‘come into sight’ or ‘arrive’. In this case it can be modified by an adverbial.

  • She suddenly appeared in the doorway.

For structures with look, (see here).