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although, though, but and however: contrast

although and though: conjunctions

Both these words can be used as conjunctions, with the same meaning. Though is less formal than although, and is more common in speech than writing. They introduce an idea (‘A’) with which the main clause (‘B’) is in contrast. When we say ‘(Al)though A, B’, there is something unexpected or surprising about ‘B’.

  • (Al)though (A) I don’t like him, (B) I agree that he’s a good manager.
  • (B) I’d quite like to go out, (al)though (A) it is a bit late.

but and however

We can give the same meaning by putting but or however with the contrasting, ‘unexpected’ clause (‘B’).

  • (A) I don’t like him, but (B) I agree that he’s a good manager.
  • (A) I don’t like him. However, (B) I agree that he’s a good manager.
  • (A) It is a bit late, but (B) I’d quite like to go out.
  • (A) It is a bit late; however, (B) I’d quite like to go out.

but and however: the difference

But is a conjunction: it joins two clauses, and comes at the beginning of the second. However is an adverb: it does not connect its sentence grammatically to the one before. This is why it comes after a full stop or a semi-colon in the above examples.

However can go in various positions. It is normally separated from its sentence by one or two commas, depending on its position.

  • However, the police did not believe him.
  • The police, however, did not believe him.
  • The police did not believe him, however.

though used as an adverb

We can use though as an adverb (often at the end of a sentence), to mean ‘however’.

  • ‘Nice day.’ ‘Yes. Bit cold, though.’
  • The strongest argument, though, is economic and not political.

For as though, (see here).

For even though (not even although), (see here).

For sentences like Cold though it was, I went out, (see here).

For however in sentences like However much he eats, he never gets fat, (see here).