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(a)round and about

Circular movement, etc: (a)round

We use both round and around (AmE usually around) for movement or position in a circle or a curve.

  • She walked (a)round the car and looked at the wheels.
  • I’d like to travel (a)round the world.
  • ‘Where do you live?’ ‘Just (a)round the corner.’

Touring, distribution: round

We also use round or around (AmE usually around) to talk about going to all (or most) parts of a place, or giving things to everybody in a group.

  • We walked (a)round the old part of the town.
  • Can I look (a)round?
  • Could you pass the cups (a)round, please?

Indefinite movement and position

We use around or about (AmE usually around) to refer to movements or positions that are not very clear or definite: ‘here and there’, ‘in lots of places’, ‘in different parts of’, ‘somewhere in’ and similar ideas.

  • The children were running around/about everywhere.
  • Stop standing around/about and do some work.
  • ‘Where’s Jack?’ ‘Somewhere around/about.’
  • I like doing odd jobs around/about the house.

We also use these words in some common expressions to talk about time-wasting or silly activity.

  • Stop fooling around/about. We’re late.


About and around can both mean ‘approximately’, ‘not exactly’. About is more common than around in British English.

  • There were about/around fifty people there.
  • ‘What time shall I come?’ ‘About/Around eight.’

For other uses of these words, see a good dictionary.