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y and i

Changing y to i

When we add an ending to a word that ends in -y, we usually change -y to -i-.

  • hurry → hurried
  • marry → marriage
  • happy → happily
  • fury → furious
  • easy → easier
  • merry → merriment
  • busy → business

Generally, nouns and verbs that end in -y have plural or third person singular forms in -ies.

  • story → stories
  • spy → spies
  • hurry → hurries


Two spellings are possible for the nouns flyer/flier.

A machine that dries things is a dryer.

Words formed from the adjective dry: normally drier, driest, dryly/drily, dryness.

Words formed from the adjective sly: slyer, slyest, slyly, slyness.

No change before i

We do not change -y to -i- before i (for example when we add -ing, -ism, -ish).

  • try → trying
  • Tory → Toryism
  • baby → babyish

No change after a vowel

We do not change -y to -i- after a vowel letter.

  • buy → buying
  • enjoy → enjoyment
  • play → played
  • grey → greyish


  • say → said
  • pay → paid
  • lay → laid

Changing ie to y

We change -ie to -y- before -ing.

  • die → dying
  • lie → lying
  • (but dyedyeing)