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Prefixes and suffixes

The following are some of the most common and useful English prefixes and suffixes.


prefixmainly added tousual meaningexamples
a-adj.not, withoutamoral, asexual
ante-adj., verbs, nounsbeforeantenatal, antedate, anteroom
anti-adj., nounsagainstantisocial, anti-war
arch-nounssupreme, mostarchbishop, arch-enemy
auto-adj., nounsselfautomatic, autobiography
bi-adj., nounstwobilingual, bicycle
bio-adj., nounslifebiodegradable, biochemist
cent(i)-nounshundredthcentimetre, centilitre
co-verbs, nounstogether (with)co-operate, co-pilot
counter-adj., verbs, nounsagainstcounteract, counter-revolution(ary)
cyber-nounscomputer, internetcybercrime, cyberculture
de-verbsreversing actiondefrost, deregulate
de-verbstake awaydeforest
dis-adj., verbs, nounsnot, oppositedisloyal, disappear, disorder
dis-verbsreversing actiondisconnect, disinfect
e-nounselectronic, internetemail, e-commerce, e-book
eco-adj., nounsenvironmenteco-friendly, eco-tourism
en-nounsput inendanger, encircle
en-adj.makeenrich, enable
Euro-adj., nounsEuropeanEurocentric, Europop
fore-verbs, nounsbeforeforetell, foreknowledge
geo-adj., nounsearthgeothermal, geophysics
hyper-adj., nounsextreme(ly)hypercritical, hypertension
ill-past participlesbadlyill-advised, ill-expressed
in-adj.not, oppositeincomplete, insensitive
(im- before p)adj.not, oppositeimpossible
(il- before l)adj.not, oppositeillegible
(ir- before r)adj.not, oppositeirregular
inter-adj., verbsbetween, amonginternational, intermarry
kilo-nounsthousandkilometre, kilogram
mal-adj., verbs, nounsbad(ly)maltreat, malformed, malfunction
mega-adj. (informal)extremelymega-rich
micro-adj., nounsvery smallmicrolight (aircraft), micrometer
mid-nounsin the middle ofmid-December, mid-afternoon
mini-nounslittleminigolf, minicab
mis-verbs, nounswrong(ly)misunderstand, misconduct
mono-adj., nounsonemonogamous, monorail
multi-adj., nounsmanymultilingual, multi-purpose
neo-adj., nounsnew(ly)neo-classical, neo-Nazi
non-nouns, adj.notnon-smoker, non-returnable
out-verbsdo/be more thanoutrun, outnumber
over-adj., verbstoo muchover-confident, overeat
pan-adj.right acrosspan-American
photo-adj., nounslightphotoelectric, photosynthesis
poly-adj., nounsmanypolyglot, polygon
post-adj., nounsafterpost-modern, postwar
pre-adj., nounsbeforepremarital, prewar
pro-adj., nounsfor, in favour ofpro-communist, pro-government (adj.)
psycho-adj., nounsmind, mentalpsycho-analysis
re-verbs, nounsagain, backrebuild, reconstruction
semi-adj., nounshalfsemi-conscious, semicircle
socio-adj., nounssocietysocio-economic
sub-adj., nounsbelowsubstandard, subconscious, subway
super-adj. nounsmore than, specialsupernatural, supermarket
thermo-adj., nounsheatthermo-electric, thermometer
trans-adj., verbsacrosstransatlantic, transplant
tri-adj., nounsthreetripartite, triangle
ultra-adj., nounsextreme, beyondultra-modern, ultrasound
un-adj., participlesnot, oppositeuncertain, unexpected
un-verbsreverse actionuntie, undress
under-verbs, participlestoo littleunderestimate, under-developed
uni-adj., nounsoneunilateral, unicycle

Suffixes that form nouns

suffixmainly added tousual meaningexamples
-ageverbsinstance ofbreakage, shrinkage
-alverbsinstance ofrefusal, dismissal
-ance, -ancyadj., verbsprocess/state ofreluctance, performance, expectancy
-ationverbsprocess/state ofexploration, starvation
-ationverbsproduct oforganisation, foundation
-eeverbsobject of verbpayee, employee
-ence, -encyadj., verbsprocess/state ofindependence, presidency
-ernounsbelonging toteenager, Londoner
-er/orverbsperson/thing that doeswriter, driver, starter, editor
-essnounsfemalelioness, waitress
-fulnounsamount held inspoonful, cupful
-hoodnounsquality, group, time ofbrotherhood, childhood
-ingnounsquantity of materialcarpeting, tubing
-ingnounsactivityfarming, surfing
-ismnounsbelief, practicecommunism, impressionism
-ityadj.quality ofelasticity, falsity
-mentverbsprocess/result ofgovernment, arrangement
-nessadj.quality ofmeanness, happiness
-ocracynounsgovernment bydemocracy
-ologynounsstudy ofsociology
-philenounslover ofAnglophile
-phobenounshater, fearer ofAnglophobe
-phobianounsirrational fear ofarachnophobia (fear of spiders)
-shipnounsstatus, state, quality offriendship, dictatorship

Suffixes that form nouns or adjectives

suffixmainly added tousual meaningexamples
-eseplace nounsinhabitant of, language ofChinese, Vietnamese
-(i)announssupporter of, related toDarwinian, republican
-(i)announscitizen ofParisian, Moroccan
-istnounspractitioner ofpianist, racist

Suffixes that form adjectives

suffixmainly added tousual meaningexamples
-able/-ible (see here)verbscan be (done)washable, drinkable
-alnounsrelated toaccidental
-centricnounscentred onEurocentric
-ednounshavingwooded, pointed, blue-eyed
-fulnounsfull of, providinguseful, helpful
-ic(al) (see here)nounsrelated toartistic, typical
-ishadj., nounsrather (like)greenish, childish
-ishplace nounsinhabitant of, language ofScottish, Turkish
-iveverbscan do, doesattractive, selective
-lessnounswithoutcareless, homeless
-lynounswith the quality offriendly, motherly
-ousnounshavingvirtuous, ambitious
-proofnounsprotected/-ing againstbullet-proof, waterproof
-wardadj.towardsbackward, northward
-ynounslike, characterised bycreamy, wealthy

Suffixes that form adverbs

suffixmainly added tousual meaningexamples an (adjective) waycalmly, slowly
-ward(s)adj.towardsbackwards, northward(s)

Suffixes that form verbs

suffixmainly added tousual meaningexamples
-atenounscausativeorchestrate, chlorinate
-enadj.make, becomedeafen, ripen, harden
-ifyadj., nounscausative: makesimplify, electrify
-ise/-ize (see here)adj., nounsvariousmodernise, symbolise

Combining forms

Some prefixes and suffixes combine mainly or often with other prefixes and suffixes. Examples are phono- (‘sound’), -logy (‘study of’), -scope (‘instrument for seeing’), -metry (‘measurement’).

  • phonology
  • telescope
  • micrometry

Negative words with no positive equivalent

Some words with negative prefixes have no positive opposite equivalent: for example, somebody can be distressed, but not tressed. Other examples:

  • dishevelled, disappoint, discard, disclose, disconcert, disfigure, dismiss, dispose, incessant, indelible, uncanny, uncouth, ungainly, unkempt, unnerved, unspeakable, unwieldy, unwitting


Certain prefixes and suffixes are productive: they are often used to form new words. And some can be added to almost any word of the right grammatical kind.

  • I’m not anti-tourists; I just don’t want them in our town.
  • The place has got a real 1970s-like atmosphere.

But most are limited to certain words or kinds of word, and cannot be used to invent new vocabulary items.

  • (not uncredible, subinteresting, considerage) or drinkless

For hyphens after co-, ex-, etc, (see here).