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Adverb formation

We normally change an adjective into an adverb by adding -ly.

  • late → lately
  • right → rightly
  • hopeful → hopefully
  • real → really (not realy)
  • definite → definitely
  • pale → palely
  • complete → completely (not completly)


  • true → truly
  • due → duly
  • whole → wholly
  • full → fully

-y and -i-

-y usually changes to -i- (see here).

  • happy → happily
  • easy → easily
  • dry → drily or dryly
  • gay → gaily


  • shy → shyly
  • sly → slyly
  • coy → coyly

Adjectives ending in consonant + le

-le changes to -ly after a consonant.

  • idle → idly
  • noble → nobly
  • able → ably

Adjectives ending in -ic

If an adjective ends in -ic, the adverb ends in -ically (pronounced /ɪkli/).

  • tragic → tragically
  • phonetic → phonetically


  • public → publicly