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Final e

Final -e dropped before vowels

When an ending that begins with a vowel (e.g. -ing, -able, -ous) is added to a word that ends in -e, we usually drop the -e.

  • hope → hoping
  • make → making
  • note → notable
  • fame → famous
  • shade → shady

An exception in British English is ageing (more common than aging).

Some words that end in -e have two possible forms before -able and -age. The form without -e is more common in most cases. Note:

  • likeable (usually with e)
  • mov(e)able (both forms common)
  • mileage (only with e)

Final -e is not dropped from words ending in -ee, -oe or -ye.

  • see → seeing
  • agree → agreeable
  • canoe → canoeist
  • dye → dyeing

Final -e not dropped before consonants

Before endings that begin with a consonant, final -e is not normally dropped.

  • excite → excitement
  • definite → definitely
  • complete → completeness

Exceptions: words ending in -ue

  • due → duly
  • true → truly
  • argue → argument

In words that end with -ce or -ge, we do not drop -e before a or o.

  • replace → replaceable
  • courage → courageous
  • (but charge → charging, face → facing)

Judg(e)ment and acknowledg(e)ment can be spelt with or without the -e after g.


For words ending in -ie, (see here). For adverbs ending in -ly, (see here).