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Answering a phone

People answering a private phone either say Hello or give their name. People answering a business phone most often give their name.

  • ‘Hello.’
  • ‘Albert Packard.’

Asking for a person

  • Could I speak to Megan Horrabin? (AmE also Could I speak with …?)

Saying who you are

  • Hello, this is Corinne. (not usually … I’m Corinne.)

  • ‘Could I speak to Megan Horrabin?’ ‘Speaking.’ or ‘This is Megan Horrabin (speaking).’

Asking who somebody is

  • Who is that? (AmE Who is this?)

  • Who am I speaking to?

  • Who is that speaking?

  • Who’s calling, please?

Asking for a number

  • Can/Could I have extension two oh four six?
  • What’s the dialling code / area code for Bristol?
  • What’s the country code for Portugal?
  • How do I get an outside line?

If you want the other person to pay for the call

  • I’d like to make a reversed (or transferred) charge call to 0449 437878. (AmE I’d like to make a collect call)

If somebody is not there

  • I’m afraid she’s not in at the moment.
  • Can I take a message?
  • Can I leave a message?
  • Please leave your message after the tone.
  • I’ll ring/call again later. (AmE I’ll call …)
  • Could you ask her to ring/call me back?
  • Could you ask her to ring/call me at/on 637022?
  • Could you just tell her Jake called?

Asking people to wait

  • Just a moment.
  • Hold on a moment, please.
  • Hold the line, please.
  • May I put you on hold?
  • I’ll just put you on hold.
  • Hang on. (informal)

Things a switchboard operator may say

  • One moment, please.
  • (I’m) trying to connect you.
  • (The number’s) ringing for you.
  • (I’m) putting you through now.
  • I’m afraid the number/line is engaged (BrE) / busy (AmE). Will you hold?
  • I’m afraid there’s no reply from this number / from her extension.

Wrong number

  • I think you’ve got the wrong number.
  • I’m sorry. I’ve got the wrong number.


  • Could you speak louder? It’s a bad line (BrE) / bad connection.
  • You’re breaking up.
  • I’ll call again.
  • I was/got cut off.
  • I rang/called you earlier but I couldn’t get through.