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Expressions without prepositions

This is a list of some common expressions in which we do not use prepositions, or can leave them out.

discuss, emphasise, enter, marry, lack, resemble and approach

These verbs are normally followed by direct objects without prepositions.

  • We must discuss your plans. (not … discuss about your plans.)
  • The Minister emphasised the need for secrecy. (not … emphasised on the need …)
  • Conversation stopped as we entered the church. (not … entered in(to) the church.)
  • She married a friend of her sister’s. (not … married with …)
  • He’s clever, but he lacks experience. (not … lacks of …)
  • The child does not resemble either of its parents. (not … resemble to …)
  • The train is now approaching London. (not … approaching to …)

Note that the related nouns must have prepositions before complements:

  • discussion of
  • resemblance to
  • emphasis on
  • approach to
  • entry into
  • marriage to
  • experience of

next, last, etc

Prepositions are not used before a number of common expressions of time beginning next, last, this, that (sometimes), one, every, each, some, any (in an informal style), all.

  • See you next Monday. (not … on next Monday.)
  • The meeting’s this Thursday.
  • We met one Tuesday in August.
  • I’ll never forget meeting you that afternoon.
  • Come any day you like.
  • The party lasted all night.

Note also tomorrow morning, yesterday afternoon, etc.

Days of the week

In an informal style, we sometimes leave out on before the names of the days of the week.

  • Why don’t you come for a drink (on) Monday evening?

a meaning ‘each’

No preposition is used in expressions like three times a day, sixty miles an hour, eighty pence a kilo.

  • Private lessons cost £20 an hour.

For per in expressions like these, (see here).

What time …?, etc

We usually leave out at before what time.

  • What time does Granny’s train arrive? (More natural than At what time …? )

In an informal style, we can also leave out on before what/which day(s).

  • What day is your hair appointment?
  • Which day do you have your music lesson?


In an informal style, at is often dropped before about + time expression.

  • I’ll see you (at) about three o’clock.

‘how long’

In an informal style, for is often left out in expressions that say how long something lasts.

  • I’ve been here (for) three weeks now.
  • How long are you staying (for)?

Measurement expressions, etc after be

Expressions containing words like height, weight, length, size, shape, age, colour are usually connected to the subject of the clause by the verb be, without a preposition.

  • He is just the right height to be a police officer.
  • She’s the same age as me.
  • His head’s a funny shape.
  • I’m the same weight as I was twenty years ago.
  • What shoe size are you?
  • What colour are her eyes? (not Of what colour …?)

(in) this way, etc

We often leave out in (especially in informal speech) in expressions like (in) this way, (in) the same way, (in) another way, etc.

  • They plant corn (in) the same way their ancestors used to 500 years ago.


We do not use to before home (see here).

  • I’m going home.

In informal English (especially American), at can be left out before home.

  • Is anybody home?


In an informal style, to can be dropped in some expressions with the word place. This is normal in American English.

  • Let’s go (to) some place where it’s quiet.
  • I always said you’d go places. (= become successful)

Infinitive structures

Prepositions can sometimes be dropped in the structure noun + infinitive + preposition (see here).

  • She has no money to buy food (with).
  • We have an hour to do it (in).

This is particularly common with the noun place.

  • We need a place to live (in).
  • She had no place to go (to).