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Present perfect simple or progressive?

Non-progressive verbs

Some verbs are not used in progressive forms (see here), even if the meaning is one for which a progressive form is more suitable. Common examples are be, have and know.

  • Jack’s been ill all week. (not Jack’s been being ill …)
  • She’s had a cold since Monday. (not She’s been having a cold …)
  • I’ve only known her for two days. (not I’ve only been knowing her …)

Temporary or permanent

We use progressive forms mostly for shorter, temporary actions and situations. When we talk about longer-lasting or permanent situations we often prefer the simple present perfect. Compare:

  • I’ve been playing the piano all afternoon, and I’m really tired.
    My grandmother has played the piano since she was a little girl.
  • I haven’t been working very well recently.
    He hasn’t worked for years.
  • I’ve been living at Emma’s place for the last month.
    My parents have lived in Bristol all their lives.

Progressive and simple tenses are sometimes both possible, with a slight difference of emphasis.

  • It’s been raining / It’s rained steadily since last Saturday.
  • Harry has been working / has worked in the same job for thirty years.

We generally use the progressive to talk about continuous change or development, even if this is permanent.

  • Scientists believe that the universe has been expanding steadily since the beginning of time.

how much? how often? simple present perfect

We use the simple present perfect to say how much we have done, or how often we have done something. Compare:

  • I’ve been plantingrose bushes all afternoon.
    Look at all the rose bushes I’ve planted! (not … I’ve been planting.)
  • We’ve been painting the house.
    We’ve painted two rooms since lunchtime. (not We’ve been painting two rooms since lunchtime.)
  • I’ve been playinga lot of tennis recently.
    I’ve played tennis three times this week.