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Infinitives: other uses

I arrived home to find …

Infinitive clauses can be used to say what somebody found out or learnt at the end of a journey or task.

  • I arrived home to find that the house had been broken into.

The idea of surprise or disappointment can be emphasised by using only.

  • At last we got to Amy’s place, only to discover that she was away.
  • He spent four years studying, only to learn that there were no jobs.

To hear her talk, you’d think …

The infinitives of see and hear can be used to explain the reason for a false impression. The infinitive structure is usually followed by you’d think or a similar expression.

  • To see them, you’d think they were married. But they only met yesterday.
  • To see him walk down the street, you’d never know he was blind.
  • To hear her talk, you’d think she was made of money.

to be honest

Some infinitive phrases are used to show the speaker’s attitude or purpose in speaking.

  • To be honest, I think you’re making a mistake.
  • To tell the truth, I’m not sure what to do now.
  • To sum up, I think we all accept John’s proposal.
  • To put it another way, we’re spending more than we’re earning.