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try and …, go and …, etc

try / be sure / wait and …

We often use and … instead of to after try / be sure. This is informal.

  • Try and eat something – you’ll feel better if you do.
  • I’ll try and phone you tomorrow morning.
  • Be sure and ask Uncle Joe about his garden.

Note also the common expression Wait and see.

  • ‘What’s for lunch?’ ‘Wait and see.’

We only use this structure with the simple base forms try / be sure / wait. It is not possible, for example, with tries, trying, was sure or waited. Compare:

  • I try and keep a straight face when he talks, but I can’t help smiling.
  • She tries to keep a straight face … (not She tries and keeps …)
  • Try and eat something.
  • I tried to eat something. (not I tried and ate something.)
  • We waited to see what would happen. (not We waited and saw …)

come/go, etc and

Come and … , go and … , run and … , hurry up and … , stay and … are often used informally.

  • Come and have a drink.
  • Stay and have dinner.
  • Hurry up and open the door.

With these verbs, the structure is not only used with the base form.

  • He often comes and spends the evening with us.
  • She stayed and played with the children.
  • She thought of going and getting him.

American English

In informal American English, and is sometimes dropped after the base forms go and come.

  • Let’s go see if Anne’s home.
  • Go jump in the river.
  • Come sit on my lap.