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every and all

Every and all can both be used to talk about people or things in general, or about all the members of a group. There is little difference of meaning; every often suggests ‘without exception’. The two words are used in different structures.

every with singular nouns; all with plurals

Every is used with a singular noun. To give the same meaning, all is used with a plural noun. Compare:

  • Every child needs love. (not All child needs love.)
    All children need love.
  • Every light was out.
    All (of) the lights were out.

every not used with determiners

We can use all (of), but not normally every, with certain determiners (articles, possessives or demonstratives). Compare:

  • All (of) the plates were broken.
    Every plate was broken. (not Every the plate / The every plate …)
  • I’ve written to all (of) my friends.
    I’ve written to every friend I have. (not every my friend / my every friend.)

all with uncountables

We can use all, but not every, with uncountable nouns.

  • I like all music. (not every music.)

all day and every day, etc

Note the difference between all day/week, etc and every day/week, etc.

  • She was here all day. (= from morning to night)
  • She was here every day. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, …)

For the difference between every and each, (see here).