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Meaning: indefinite amount or number

Any is a determiner. It generally suggests an indefinite amount or number, and is used when it is not important to say how much/many we are thinking of. Because of its ‘open’, non-specific meaning, any is often used in questions and negative clauses, and in other cases where there is an idea of doubt or negation.

  • Is there any more coffee?
  • We didn’t have any problems going through customs.
  • You never give me any help.
  • The noise of the party prevented me from getting any sleep.
  • I suddenly realised I’d come out without any money.

Any is common after if.

  • If you find any blackberries, keep some for me.

Sometimes any means ‘if there is/are any’ or ‘whatever there is/are’.

  • Any fog will clear by noon. (= If there is any fog, it will clear by noon.)
  • Perhaps you could correct any mistakes I’ve made.

Any can be used to emphasise the idea of open choice: ‘it doesn’t matter who/what/which’.

  • You can borrow any book you want.

For details of this use, (see here).

any and some

Any often contrasts with some, which is most common in affirmative clauses. Compare:

  • I need some razor blades.
  • Do you have any razor blades?
  • Sorry, I don’t have any razor blades.

For details of the difference, (see here).

any and not any

Any alone does not have a negative meaning. It is only negative when used with not.

  • She’s unhappy because she hasn’t got any friends. (not … because she has got any friends.)

No (see here) means the same as not any, but is more emphatic.

  • She’s got no friends.

Not any cannot begin a sentence; no is used instead.

  • No cigarette is harmless. (not Not any cigarette …)
  • No tourists came to the town that year.

We do not usually use not any with singular countable nouns (but (see here).

  • She hasn’t got a job. (not She hasn’t got any job.)

When any is not used

With an uncountable or plural noun, any usually suggests the idea of an indefinite but limited amount or number. When there is no idea of a limited quantity or number, we do not usually use any. Compare:

  • Is there any water in that can?
    Is there water on the moon? (The interest is in the existence of water, not its amount.)
  • Dad hasn’t got any hair. (He has lost the amount he had.)
    Birds have feathers, not hair. (No idea of amount.)
  • None of her children have got any sense. (Not even a small amount.)
    Anna looks like her mother, but she hasn’t got blue eyes. (not … she hasn’t got any blue eyes – people have a definite number of eyes: two.)

any and any of

Before a determiner (definite article, demonstrative or possessive word) or a pronoun, we use any of. Compare:

  • I didn’t go to any lectures last term. (not … any of lectures …)
    I wasn’t interested in any of the lectures. (not … any the lectures.)
  • Do any books here belong to you?
    Do any of these books belong to you?
  • I don’t think any staff want to work tomorrow.
    I don’t think any of us want to work tomorrow.

Note that when any of is followed by a plural subject, the verb can be singular or plural. A singular verb is more common in a formal style.

  • If any of your friends is/are interested, let me know.

Without a noun

A noun can be dropped after any, if the meaning is clear.

  • ‘Did you get the oil?’ ‘No, there wasn’t any left.’

Instead of not any without a noun, none (see here) can be used. This is often more emphatic.

  • There was none left.

We don’t use any or not any alone as answers.

  • ‘What day should I come?’ ‘Any day.’ (not Any.)
  • ‘How much money do you have?’ ‘None.’ (not Not any.)


Many of the rules given above also apply to the compounds anybody, anyone, anything and anywhere. For more information about these, (see here).


For the use of any and no as adverbs, (see here).

For any … but, (see here).

For any and every, (see here).