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Special rules and exceptions

Common expressions without articles: in bed; at school

In some common fixed expressions to do with place, time and movement, normally countable nouns are treated as uncountables, without articles. Examples are:

  • to/at/in/from school/university/college
  • to/at/in/into/from church
  • to/in/into/out of bed/prison
  • to/in/into/out of hospital (BrE)
  • to/at/from work
  • to/at sea
  • to/in/from town
  • at/from home
  • leave home
  • leave/start/enter school/university/college
  • by day
  • at night
  • by car/bus/bicycle/plane/train/tube/boat
  • on foot
  • by radio/phone/letter/mail/email/text

With place nouns, expressions with or without articles may have different meanings. Compare:

  • I met her at college. (when we were students)
    I’ll meet you at the college. (The college is just a meeting place.)
  • Megan’s in hospital. (as a patient)
    I left my coat in the hospital when I was visiting Megan.

In American English, university and hospital are not used without articles.

  • She was unhappy at the university.
  • Say that again and I’ll put you in the hospital.

Double expressions: with knife and fork

Articles are often dropped in double expressions, particularly with prepositions.

  • with knife and fork
  • with hat and coat
  • from top to bottom
  • on land and sea
  • arm in arm
  • inch by inch
  • day after day
  • husband and wife

For cases like the bread and (the) butter, (see here).

Possessive ’s

Nouns lose their articles after possessive ’s.

  • the coat that belongs to Jack = Jack’s coat (not Jack’s the coat) or the Jack’s coat
  • the economic problems of America = America’s economic problems (not the America’s economic problems)

But the possessive noun itself may have an article.

  • the wife of the boss = the boss’s wife

Noun modifiers

When a noun modifies another noun, the first noun’s article is dropped.

  • lessons in how to play the guitar = guitar lessons
  • a spot on the sun = a sunspot

both and all

We often leave out the after both.

  • Both (the) children are good at languages.

And we generally leave out the between all and a number.

  • All (the) three brothers were arrested.

We usually leave out the after all in all day, all night, all week, all year, all winter and all summer.

  • He’s been away all week.
  • I haven’t seen her all day.

kind of, etc

We usually leave out a/an after kind of, sort of, type of and similar expressions (see here).

  • What kind of (a) person is she?
  • Have you got a cheaper sort of radio?
  • They’ve developed a new variety of sheep.

amount and number

The is dropped after the amount/number of.

  • I was surprised at the amount of money collected. (not … of the money)
  • The number of unemployed is rising steadily.

man and woman

Unlike other singular countable nouns, man and woman can be used in a general sense without articles.

  • Man and woman were created equal.

But we more often use a woman and a man, or men and women.

  • A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. (old feminist joke)
  • Men and women have similar abilities and needs.

Man is also commonly used to mean ‘the human race’, though many people regard this usage as sexist and prefer to avoid it (see here).

  • How did man first discover fire?

Days, months and seasons

We drop the when we mean ‘the day/month before or after this one’.

  • Where were you last Saturday?
  • I was away in April.
  • See you on Thursday.
  • We’re moving next September.

To talk about the seasons in general, we can say spring or the spring, summer or the summer, etc. There is little difference.

  • Rome is lovely in (the) spring.
  • I like (the) winter best.

When we are talking about particular springs, summers, etc, we are more likely to use the.

  • I worked very hard in the summer that year.

Musical instruments

We often use the + singular when we talk about musical instruments in general, or about playing musical instruments.

  • The violin is really difficult.
  • Who’s that on the piano?

But the is often dropped when talking about jazz or pop, and sometimes when talking about classical music.

  • This recording was made with Miles Davis on trumpet.
  • She studied oboe and saxophone at the Royal Academy of Music.

(the) radio, (the) cinema, (the) theatre and television

When we talk about our use of these forms of entertainment, we generally say the radio, the cinema (BrE), the theatre, but television or TV.

  • I always listen to the radio while I’m driving.
  • It was a great treat to go to the cinema or the theatre when I was a child. (BrE)
  • What’s on TV?

The is often dropped in all four cases when we talk about these institutions as art forms or professions.

  • Cinema is different from theatre in several ways.
  • He’s worked in radio and television all his life.

Jobs and positions: He was elected President.

The is not used in titles like Queen Elizabeth, President Obama. Compare:

  • Queen Elizabeth had dinner with President Obama.
  • The Queen had dinner with the President.

And the is not usually used in the complement of a sentence, when we say that somebody has or gains a unique position (the only one in the organisation). Compare:

  • They appointed him Head Librarian.
  • He was elected President in 1879.
  • Where’s the librarian?
  • I want to see the president.

Addressing people: Good morning, children.

We don’t address groups of people directly by using the with the name of the group.

  • Good morning, children. (not Good morning, the children.)

Exclamations: What a …!

We use a/an with singular countable nouns in exclamations after What.

  • What a lovely dress! (not What lovely dress!)

Note that a/an cannot be used in exclamations with uncountable nouns.

  • What nonsense! (not What a nonsense!)
  • What luck!


The names of illnesses and pains are usually uncountable, with no article, in standard British English (for more details, (see here).

  • Have you had appendicitis?
  • I’ve got toothache again.

A/an is used in a few cases such as a cold, a headache.

  • I’ve got a horrible cold.
  • Have you got a headache?

The can be used informally with a few common illnesses.

  • I think I’ve got (the) flu. (AmE always the flu)
  • She’s never had (the) measles.

American usage is different in some cases.

  • I’ve got a toothache / an earache / a backache / a stomach ache. (BrE I’ve got toothache/earache, etc)

Parts of the body, etc

When talking about someone’s possessions, or parts of their body, we usually use possessives, not the.

  • He stood in the doorway, his coat over his arm. (not … the coat over the arm.)
  • Katy broke her arm climbing. (not Katy broke the arm climbing.)

But the is common after prepositions, especially when we are talking about blows, pains and other things that often happen to parts of people’s bodies (see here).

  • She hit him in the stomach.
  • He was shot in the leg.
  • Can’t you look me in the eye?

Measurements: by the hour; twice a week

Note the use of the in measuring expressions beginning with by.

  • Do you sell eggs by the kilo or by the dozen?
  • He sits watching TV by the hour.
  • Can I pay by the month?

A/an is used to relate one measuring unit to another.

  • sixty pence a kilo
  • thirty miles an hour
  • twice a week

Place names

We use the with these kinds of place names:

  • seas (the Atlantic)
  • mountain groups (the Himalayas)
  • island groups (the West Indies)
  • rivers (the Rhine)
  • deserts (the Sahara)
  • most hotels (the Grand Hotel)
  • most cinemas and theatres (the Odeon; the Playhouse)
  • most museums and art galleries (the British Museum; the Frick)

We usually use no article with:

  • continents, countries, states, counties, departments, etc (Africa, Brazil, Texas, Berkshire, Westphalia)
  • towns (Oxford)
  • streets (New Street, Willow Road)
  • lakes (Lake Michigan)

Exceptions: places whose name is (or contains) a common noun like republic, state, union (e.g. the People’s Republic of China, the United Kingdom, the United States). Note also the Netherlands, and its seat of government The Hague. There are a few countries whose names used to have the, but are now normally used with no article: (The) Ukraine, (The) Lebanon, (The) Gambia, (The) Sudan.

The is unusual in the titles of the principal public buildings and organisations of a town, when the title begins with the town name.

  • Oxford University (not the Oxford University)
  • Hull Station (not the Hull Station)
  • Salisbury Cathedral
  • Birmingham Airport
  • Manchester City Council
  • Cheltenham Football Club

With the names of less important institutions, usage varies.

  • (The) East Oxford Community Centre
  • (The) Newbury School of English

Names of single mountains vary. Most have no article.

  • Everest
  • Kilimanjaro
  • Snowdon
  • Table Mountain

But definite articles are usually translated in the English versions of European mountain names, except those beginning Le Mont.

  • The Meije (= La Meije)
  • The Matterhorn (= Das Matterhorn)
  • but Mont Blanc (not the Mont Blanc)

Newspapers and magazines

The names of newspapers usually have the.

  • The Times
  • The Washington Post

The names of magazines do not always have the.

  • New Scientist

Abbreviated styles

We usually leave out articles in abbreviated styles (see here).

  • newspaper headlines: MAN KILLED ON MOUNTAIN
  • headings:
    • Introduction
    • Chapter 2
    • Section B
  • picture captions: Mother and child
  • notices, posters, etc: SUPER CINEMA
  • instructions: Open packet at other end.
  • numbering and labelling:
    • Go through door A
    • Control to Car 27: can you hear me?
    • Turn to page 26. (not … the page 26.)
  • (native-speaker) dictionary entries: palm inner surface of hand …
  • lists: take car to garage; pay phone bill; …
  • notes: J thinks company needs new office

For articles with abbreviations (NATO, the USA), (see here).

For the in double comparatives (the more, the better), (see here).

For a with few and little, (see here).

For a with hundred, thousand, etc, (see here).

For the blind, etc, (see here).

For the Japanese, etc, (see here).

For next and the next, (see here); for last and the last, (see here).

For the instead of enough, (see here).

For another two days, a good three weeks, etc, (see here).