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Prefixes are letters which we add to the beginning of a word to make a new word with a different meaning. Prefixes can, for example, create a new word opposite in meaning to the word the prefix is attached to. They can also make a word negative or express relations of time, place or manner.

Here are some examples:

base wordprefixed wordtype of meaning
warpre-wartime (before)
terrestrialextraterrestrialplace (outside of/beyond)
cookovercookmanner (too much)
  • I’m sorry I was unable to attend the meeting.
  • Non-payment of fees could result in a student being asked to leave the course.
  • Has anyone ever really met an extraterrestrial being? (meaning a being from another planet)
  • The meat was overcooked and quite tasteless.

The most common prefixes

anti-against/opposed toanti-government, anti-racist, anti-war
auto-selfautobiography, automobile
de-reverse or changede-classify, decontaminate, demotivate
dis-reverse or removedisagree, displeasure, disqualify
down-reduce or lowerdowngrade, downhearted
extra-beyondextraordinary, extraterrestrial
hyper-extremehyperactive, hypertension
il-, im-, in-, ir-notillegal, impossible, insecure, irregular
inter-betweeninteractive, international
mega-very big, importantmegabyte, mega-deal, megaton
mid-middlemidday, midnight, mid-October
mis-incorrectly, badlymisaligned, mislead, misspelt
non-notnon-payment, non-smoking
over-too muchovercook, overcharge, overrate
out-go beyondoutdo, out-perform, outrun
post-afterpost-election, post-war
pre-beforeprehistoric, pre-war
pro-in favour ofpro-communist, pro-democracy
re-againreconsider, redo, rewrite
semi-halfsemicircle, semi-retired
sub-under, belowsubmarine, sub-Saharan
super-above, beyondsuper-hero, supermodel
tele-at a distancetelevision, telepathic
trans-acrosstransatlantic, transfer
ultra-extremelyultra-compact, ultrasound
un-remove, reverse, notundo, unpack, unhappy
under-less than, beneathundercook, underestimate
up-make or move higherupgrade, uphill

Writing prefixes: hyphens (super-hero or supermodel)

There are no absolute rules for when to use a hyphen or when to write a prefixed word as one whole word (see the examples in the table). A good learner’s dictionary will tell you how to write a prefixed word.