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Would rather, would sooner

Would rather

We use would rather or ’d rather to talk about preferring one thing to another. Would rather has two different constructions. (The subjects are underlined in the examples.)


same subject (+ base form)different subject (+ past simple clause)
I’d rather stay at home than go out tonight.I’d rather you stayed at home tonight.
I’d rather not go out tonight.I’d rather you didn’t go out tonight

In negative sentences with a different subject, the negative comes on the clause that follows, not on would rather:

  • She*’d*** rather you didn’t phone after 10 o’clock.
  • Not: She wouldn’t rather you phoned after 10 o’clock.

Same subject

When the subject is the same person in both clauses, we use would rather (not) followed by the base form of the verb:

  • We*’d*** rather go on Monday.
  • Not: We’d rather to go … or We’d rather going
  • More than half the people questioned would rather have a shorter summer break and more holidays at other times.
  • I*’d*** rather not fly. I hate planes.

When we want to refer to the past we use would rather + have + -ed form (perfect infinitive without to):

  • She would rather have spent the money on a holiday. (The money wasn’t spent on a holiday.)
  • I*’d*** rather have seen it at the cinema than on DVD. (I saw the film on DVD.)

Different subjects

When the subjects of the two clauses are different, we often use the past simple to talk about the present or future, and the past perfect to talk about the past:

  • I would rather they did something about it instead of just talking about it. (past simple to talk about the present or future)
  • Would you rather I wasn’t honest with you? (past simple to talk about the present or future)
  • Not: Would you rather I’m not honest with you? or … I won’t be honest with you?
  • I*’d*** rather you hadn’t rung me at work. (past perfect to talk about the past)

Much rather

We can use much with would rather to make the preference stronger. In speaking, we stress much:

  • I*’d*** much rather make a phone call than send an email.
  • She*’d*** much rather they didn’t know about what had happened.

Short responses: I’d rather not

We often use I’d rather not as a short response to say no to a suggestion or request:

  • A: Do you want to go for a coffee?
  • B: I’d rather not, if you don’t mind.

Would sooner, would just as soon

We use the phrases would sooner and would just as soon when we say that we prefer one thing to another thing. They mean approximately the same as would rather:

  • I don’t really want to go back to France again this year. I*’d*** sooner go to Spain.
  • Thanks for the invitation, but, if you don’t mind, we*’d*** just as soon stay at home and watch it all on TV.

Would sooner is more common than would just as soon. However, would rather is more common than both of these phrases.

See also
  • Would rather

Would rather, would sooner: typical errors

We don’t use would rather or would sooner with an -ing form or a to-infinitive:

  • I don’t need a lift, thanks. I*’d*** rather walk.
  • Not: I’d rather to walk. or I’d rather walking.

When we use not referring to a different subject, we attach not to the second clause, not to would rather or would sooner:

  • I’d rather they didn’t tell anyone
  • Not: I’d rather not they told anyone.
See also
  • Rather