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We use the verb explain to mean ‘make something clear or easy to understand, by describing or giving information about it’.

We can use explain with a direct object or with a direct object and a prepositional phrase with to (direct objects are underlined):

  • Could you explain this diagram*, please?*
  • Can you explain the route to me?
  • Not: Can you explain me the route?
  • We explained the situation to the team.
  • Not: We explained the team the situation.

We don’t use the indirect + direct object construction with explain:

  • Would you please explain these numbers to me?
  • Not: Would you please explain me these numbers?

We don’t use explain to mean ‘describe’. Describe means ‘say or write what someone or something is like’. If we explain something, we give a reason for it or say how it works:

  • To describe myself, I am very honest and a workaholic.
  • Not: To explain myself