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Words in English are not always spelled as they are pronounced. Spelling in English follows some basic rules and the majority of English words (around 75%) follow these rules. You can learn the rules but there are always exceptions to the rules that need to be learned too.

The main basic spelling rules of English relate to: prefixes and suffixes; spelling and plurals; doubling letters; dropping and adding letters; verb forms. This section focuses on British English but also covers some basic differences in spelling between British and American English.

Spelling: prefixes

When there is a prefix, we do not normally add or take away more letters:

dis + obey → disobeymis + spell → misspell
dis + satisfied → dissatisfiedover + hear → overhear
in + humane → inhumanesuper + human → superhuman
in + sane → insaneun + natural → unnatural
inter + national → internationalun + sure → unsure
mis + rule → misruleunder + pass → underpass

Prefixes il-, im-, ir-

We commonly change the prefix in- to il-, im- or ir- when the first letter of a word is l, m, p, or r.

in becomes il- before lin becomes im- before m or pin becomes ir- before r

Spelling and plurals

There are rules for the plurals of regular nouns and the -s forms of regular verbs.

The general rule is add -s:

  • bring → brings
  • day → days
  • ear → ears
  • smile → smiles
  • speak → speaks
  • town → towns

If the ending is pronounced as ‘ch’ /tʃ/ or ‘s’ /s/, we add -es /ɪz/:

noun pluralsverb -s forms
bus → busescross → crosses
church → churchesfetch → fetches
kiss → kissesguess → guesses

If a word ends in an -e, we add an -s:

  • base → bases
  • face → faces
  • judge → judges
  • lose → loses

If the word ends in a consonant plus -y, we change -y to i and add -es:

noun pluralsverb -s forms
baby → babiesmarry → marries
opportunity → opportunitiesreply → replies

We add -es to some words ending in -o:

noun pluralsnoun plurals/verb -s forms
tomato → tomatoesecho → echoes
cargo → cargoesembargo → embargoes
hero → heroesgo → goes (go [n] = attempt)

However, some words ending in -o only require -s: videos, discos, pianos, memos, photos.

For some nouns ending in -f or -fe, we form the plural by changing the -f or -fe to -ves:

  • loaf → loaves
  • shelf → shelves
  • thief → thieves
  • wife → wives
See also
  • Forming the plural of nouns

Spelling: doubling consonants

We often double the final consonant of a word (b, d, g, l, m, n, p, r, t) when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added (-ed, -er, -est, -ing):

hop + -ed → hoppedslim + -ing → slimming
red + -ish → reddishthin + -er → thinner
rub + -ed → rubbedtravel+ -er → traveller
sit + -ing → sittingwet + -er → wetter

When we add a suffix to a word with more than one syllable, we double the consonant only when the word ends in a stressed syllable (the stressed syllable of the base form is in bold):

admit + -ing → admittingprefer + -ed → preferred
forget + -ing → forgettingtransmit + -ed → transmitted
occur + -ence → occurrenceupset + -ing → upsetting

Compare, however, visit or enter where the spoken stress is on the first syllable:

visit → visitingenter → entered
Not: visittingNot: enterred

Note too that in each case the vowel before the last consonant is a short vowel.


We don’t double the final consonant before a suffix:

– if the word ends in two written consonants, e.g. export = exported, find = finding, insist = insisted, lift = lifted, persist = persistence

– if there are two written vowels together in the word, e.g. meeting, rained, weaken, trainer, repeated.

Irregular forms and exceptions


Some monosyllabic words ending in -s are irregular. We normally do not double the -s, although some doubled forms will be seen. For example: busses and buses; gasses and gases. (Busses and gasses are not common.)

Some words, several of them ending in l, with more than two syllables, have a double consonant even though the last syllable is not stressed; for example, labelling, traveller, equalled, handicapped, programmed.

In American English the single consonant spelling is usually more common: labeling, traveler.

Spelling: dropping and adding letters

The final -e

We often drop the final -e when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added to a word:

approve + -al → approvalhope + -ing → hoping
fame + -ous → famousinvite + -ation → invitation
hate + -ed → hatednote + -able → notable

We keep the -e in dyeing (from dye) and singeing (from singe) to differentiate them from similar words e.g. dying (from die) and singing (from sing).

When a suffix begins with a consonant (e.g. -less, -ful, -ly, -ment) we do not normally drop the -e:

  • definitely
  • excitement
  • forceful
  • hopeless
  • lately
  • widely

Sometimes we do drop the -e:

argue argumenttrue truly
due dulywhole wholly

Some words have alternative forms with or without an -e: for example, acknowledgement or acknowledgment, and judgement or judgment.

The suffix -ally

The suffix -ally is added to adjectives ending in -ic to form adverbs:

  • basic → basically
  • realistic → realistically
  • tragic → tragically

BUT: publicly

Changing -y to -i

When we add a suffix to a word ending in a consonant + -y, we normally change -y to i:

amplify + -er → amplifierhappy + -ly → happily
busy + -ness → businesshurry + -s → hurries
day + -ly → dailypurify + -cation → purification
easy + -ly → easilyreply + -ed → replied
fury + -ous → furiousspy + -s → spies

Some words with one syllable keep the -y before a suffix: dryness, shyness, slyness.

We keep -y before -ing: studying, worrying.

We keep -y before ’s: the fly’s wings, Andy’s house.

We usually keep the -y in most words that end in a vowel + -y: buy → buyer; destroy → destroys


BUT: daydaily

Spelling: ie or ei?

If in doubt about ie or ei, when the sound of the vowel is as in brief /i:/, we spell it ie; but after the letter c, we spell it ei:

ieei after c

Words in which -y has changed to i end in -ies even after a c:

  • emergency → emergencies
  • bureaucracy → bureaucracies

In most words that do not have the pronunciation /i:/ as in brief, the usual order is e before i, e.g. neighbour, leisure, height; friend, ancient, science are common exceptions.

Spelling and verb forms

Past and -ed forms

The past and -ed forms are the same in regular verbs. The following are the spelling rules for regular verbs.

We add -ed to the base form of the verb:

  • clean → cleaned
  • echo → echoed
  • email → emailed
  • sail → sailed

If the word ends in -e, we add -d to the base form of the verb:

  • agree → agreed
  • dine → dined
  • love → loved

If the word ends in a consonant + -y, we change the -y to i before -ed:

  • apply → applied
  • cry → cried

There are three common exceptions, where we change the -y to i after a vowel and just -d is added:

  • pay → paid
  • say → said

-ing forms

The general rule is add -ing to the base form of the verb:

  • go → going
  • hurry → hurrying
  • play → playing

If the word ends in -e, we drop the -e before -ing:

  • love → loving
  • lose → losing
  • write → writing

But if the word ends in -ee, -ye, or -oe, we keep the -e:

  • agree → agreeing
  • dye → dyeing (compare: die/dying)
  • see → seeing

If the word ends in -ie, we change the -i to -y and we drop the -e before -ing:

  • die → dying
  • lie → lying
  • tie → tying

Addition of final -e to indicate long vowel

We use a final silent -e to indicate that the stressed vowel is long:

long vowelshort vowel
hate, fatehat, fat
theme, impedethem, fed
dine, bitedin, bit

There are some common exceptions:

donelive (as a verb)onewere

British and American English Spelling

Here are some common differences between British and American English spelling. A good learner’s dictionary will give information about other spelling differences:

British EnglishAmerican English
cheque (bank)check