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Of is a preposition.

Of commonly introduces prepositional phrases which are complements of nouns, creating the pattern: noun + of + noun. This pattern is very common, especially to indicate different parts, pieces, amounts and groups:

  • Lima is the capital of Peru.
  • Twenty-four-hour TV news makes sure we all know the main events of the day.
  • Would you like some more pieces of toast?

We also commonly use of as a preposition after different adjectives (afraid of, generous of, proud of) and verbs (approve of, dream of, think of):

  • I never thought she could take a flight on her own at her age. I feel very proud of her.
  • Best of luck with the interview tomorrow. We’ll be thinking of you.

We use the structure determiner + of + noun in expressions of quantity:

  • Most of the new workers in the country are from Turkey.
  • Some of my best friends are computer scientists.

Of is optional with all, both, half except before the object pronouns me, you, it, him, her, us, them:

  • Both (of) the finance ministers have decided to resign.
  • All of them will be able to travel on the bus.
  • Not: All them will be able to
See also
  • All
  • Determiners (the, my, some, this)
  • Determiners used as pronouns
  • Possessives with of