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Nouns: compound nouns

Some nouns consist of more than one word. These are compound nouns. Compound nouns can be formed in different ways. The most common way is to put two nouns together (noun + noun); other common types are adjective + noun and verb + noun.

noun + noun

  • car park
  • Iceland
  • shopkeeper
  • website

adjective + noun

  • blackberry
  • grandstand
  • greenhouse
  • small talk

verb + noun

  • breakwater
  • fall-guy
  • go-kart
  • runway

Writing compound nouns

Many compound nouns are written as one word, but some are written with hyphens or spaces. In modern English, hyphens are less common than they were in the past. A good learner’s dictionary will tell you how each compound is usually written.

Examples of one word

  • bathroom
  • sheepdog
  • windscreen

Examples of hyphens

  • check-in
  • fire-fighter
  • son-in-law

Examples of spaces

  • bottle opener
  • New Year’s Day
  • Prime Minister

Plurals of compound nouns

We form the plural of most compounds by adding a plural ending to the last part of the compound:

  • We saw some large greenhouses with vegetables growing in them.
  • They’re building two new car parks in town.

The compounds mother-in-law, brother-in-law, etc. form their plurals on the first noun:

  • I’ve got one brother-in-law and two sisters-in-law.
  • Not: two sister-in-laws

Compound nouns and spoken stress

Compound nouns normally have the spoken stress on the first part:

  • CAR park, BATHroom, WEBsite, BROther-in-law, DOORbell, CHECK-in

However, not all compound nouns follow this rule. Some have spoken stress on the second part, especially in proper names and titles:

  • Mount EVerest, Prime MINister, New YORK

A good learner’s dictionary will tell you where to put the stress.