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Nice or sympathetic?

Nice is an adjective meaning ‘pleasant’, ‘enjoyable’ or ‘satisfactory’:

  • Have a nice trip!
  • We had a really nice meal. Thank you.

When we use it to talk about someone, it means ‘kind’, ‘friendly’ or ‘polite’:

  • It was really nice of you to call me.
  • Tanya’s new boyfriend is so nice.

Sympathetic is an adjective used to describe a person who shows that they understand and care about someone’s suffering or problems, especially by what they say:

  • My colleagues were so sympathetic when I was ill.
  • As a teacher, you have to be sympathetic to the problems of your students.

We don’t use sympathetic to mean ‘nice’:

  • Our new teacher is really nice.
  • Not: Our new teacher is really sympathetic.
  • His small house was nice and warm.
  • Not: His small house was sympathetic and warm.