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How is …? or What is … like?

How is …?

We use How is …? to ask about someone’s general health or about the condition or state of something, or how people experience something:

  • A: How’s your mother these days? (How is her general health?)
  • B: Oh, she’s fine, thanks.
  • [talking about an old house]
  • A: How are the walls in the kitchen? (What is the condition/state of the walls?)
  • B: Well, they need redecorating really.
  • A: How’s your new car?
  • B: Wonderful. It’s so much easier to drive than the old one.

What is … like?

We use What is … like? to ask for a description of someone or something (e.g. their appearance, their character, their behaviour):

  • A: What’s her new house like?
  • B: It’s a modern one, quite big, with a nice garden.
  • A: What’s your new teacher like?
  • B: He’s nice. He’s very good-looking! But he’s quite strict.

We don’t use How is … like? to ask for a description of something:

  • A: Have you ever had Korean kimchi?
  • B: No. What’s it like?
  • A: Well, it’s sort of spicy fermented vegetables, cabbage and things.
  • Not: How is it like?