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As or like?

As and like are prepositions or conjunctions. The prepositions as and like have different meanings. As + noun means ‘in the role of’, like + noun means ‘similar to’ or ‘in the same way as’.


As your father, I’ll help you as much as I can.The speaker is the listener’s father.
Like your father, I’ll help you as much as I can.The speaker is not the father but wishes to act in a similar way to the father.

We use like (but not as) to compare two things:

  • She’s got a headache like me.

  • Not: She’s got a headache as me.

  • Like the other students, he finds it a bit difficult to get to lectures early in the morning.

  • Not: As the other students, he finds it

When we compare appearance or behaviour, we use like, not as:

  • That house looks like a castle.
  • Not: That house looks as a castle.

As is commonly used to talk about jobs:

  • He worked for a long time as a teacher in Africa.
  • Not: … like a teacher in Africa.

The conjunctions as and like have the same meaning when used in comparisons. Like is a little more informal.

  • Nobody understands him as I do.
  • Nobody understands him like I do.
See also
  • As
  • Conjunctions
  • Like