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Adjectives and adjective phrases: typical errors

We use -ing adjectives to describe an effect and -ed adjectives to describe how a person feels:

  • That was such an interesting lecture. Prof. Green is such a good speaker.
  • Not: That was such an interested lecture~~.~~
  • I was not interested in the lecture.
  • Not: I was not interesting
See also
  • Adjectives: with -ing and -ed (interesting, interested)

We can’t use some -ed forms before a noun:

  • The new results are clear from the diagram shown.
  • Not: … from the shown diagram
See also
  • Adjectives with nouns and verbs

Adjectives in English do not change (agree) with the noun that they modify:

  • The tropical birds were beautiful.
  • Not: The tropical birds were beautifuls.
See also
  • Adjectives: forms

Some adjectives only appear before nouns and do not follow verbs. They include adjectives of degree, time and order, and adjectives that limit the noun that follows them:

  • The trip was a complete disaster from start to finish.

  • Not: The disaster was complete

  • His late wife Betty was related to my mother.

  • Not: His wife was late

  • The only person who can sort this out is Keith.

  • Not: The person was only

See also
  • Adjectives with nouns and verbs

Take care to spell the suffix -ful with one l:


Other errors with common adjectives

Most people go to the popular tourist destinations.

Not: … the popular touristic destinations.

It can be fun to work with young children.

Not: … funny to work with … (fun means ‘enjoyable’, funny means that something makes you laugh or that it is strange)

I have a very stressful job.

Not: … a very stressing job.

We went to a nearby restaurant.

Not: … a near restaurant.

What are the necessary ingredients for this dish?

Not: … the needed ingredients …?

I noticed an open window.

Not: … an opened window

I was really surprised when I heard the news.

Not: I was really surprise

We’re having a party on Friday. Everybody is welcome.

Not: Everybody is welcomed.

The younger generation often lack ambition.

Not: The young generation often lack ambition.

See also
  • Actual
  • Fun or funny?